GET A DEMOOptimising your workload through AI
The Ortom8 AI Workload Optimisation Service uses AI Process Mining technology to enable full analysis and optimisation of batch schedules. Incorporating extensive batch discovery, performance analysis and change simulation provides a full understanding of any impact and optimisation potential. With this phased, iterative transformation of the target batch schedule you can rest assured that your batch will be performing to its full potential, ensuring significant savings through reduced licence and compute costs.
What AI Workload Optimisation provides
Batch Discovery: Rapid Batch Process Mapping; Dependency Mapping.
Batch Performance: Time taken, Frequent over-run, most problematic jobs; dependency latency (waiting for dependencies).
Batch Simulations: Scenario Model changes to batch to understand impact and optimisation potential.
Batch transformation: Phased, iterative transformation of the target batch schedule.
How AI Workload Optimisation adds value
Precision Planning: Optimise batch performance and shorten batch run window with AI-driven recommendations.
Proactive Problem Solving: Detect issues in real-time and take immediate action.
Data-Backed Decisions: Make informed choices that drive efficiency and cost savings.
Compliance Peace of Mind: Stay in line with regulations effortlessly.
Reduced costs: Reduces both compute and licence costs.